Word Processor Set Up

To select either Vision Editor and Microsoft Word (from Word 6 to Word 2000) as your default word processor:

  1. From the Vision 3 3 font screen, select Options - Setup and then select the WordProcessor tab.
  2. Select either Vision Editor or Microsoft Word 6.0.
Note - If you select Microsoft Word 6.0, select Save as rtf. This allows you to save a mix of Word versions in a commonly viewable format.
  1. Select OK.
Note - To set up the Word Processor for your entire practice, select ManagementTools - Control Panel - File Maintenance - then click on , or Actions - Staff Configuration. On the Word Processor tab, first click to select the workstation, or select All. Then select the correct Word Processor option – Vision Editor or Microsoft Word. Then click on Update.

Having selected the word processor, you may then select Modules - Word Processor in order to set up template letters for referral, recall etc (see Template Letters set up in Word Processor).

These letters can be used in Consultation Manager from Referral (Letters) , or from Correspondence on the Add Data menu; or in Patient Groups, under Generate Recalls - Create Personalised Letters.

WordViewer is also supported for viewing existing correspondence. The Word interface uses WordViewer if it is installed on its default install path on the workstation: c:\wordview on 3.11, and c:\programfiles\wordview on 95 and NT. The Word interface always use Word for creating and editing merge templates and for adding correspondence.

If you want to have Word and WordViewer on the same machine and use Word for viewing existing correspondence, you must install WordViewer to somewhere other than the default install path.