Exiting Vision

The Close All icon on the Vision Front Screen shuts down all open Vision modules. However, this does not exit Vision. To exit from Vision select the cross in the top left of the screen or select Modules – Exit.

Important - You need to ensure that all users are properly signed out of Vision every night. Our records show that on average, 15-20% of practices fail to sign all users out. This prevents you from receiving updates through Download Manager and prevents the overnight re-index running. Please ensure all of your users know of the need to properly sign out of Vision and close down their workstations every night. If this does not happen, your backup may be invalid.

Please note also:

  • Don't leave a patient record up on screen if you leave the workstation. Other Vision users can only view details for that patient while you are editing it. A Screensaver is triggered after a certain period of time, or can be invoked with Ctrl-Alt-F12.