Clinical Audit

Vision has exceptional facilities for audits. The clinical content of audits can be defined centrally and distributed across sites. Bespoke audits for individual practices and Health Board Organisations can be created on request to Vision. Many audits can be downloaded from the Vision website Vision Home Page.

Clinical Audit is a series of pre-defined searches which provide the practice with monthly statistics of patient numbers and percentages of a target population. The latter may be either the whole practice or a specific group, such as patients with diabetes.

The main sources for clinical audits are In Practice Systems, NSF and nGMS Contract QMAS Returns and Monitoring Audits. Registration with QMAS is carried out from within Clinical Audit for England and Scotland. QOF reports are generated and transmitted to QMAS (England and Scotland). Results of QOF Reports can be viewed on-screen from the QOF Reporting tab.

They are usually run, generating statistics, on the first day of a new month. For example, an Angina audit may find patients with angina, those on aspirin or not, those on betablockers or not, those under 75 with cholesterol checked, and so on.

Reminders can be attached automatically to patient records within an audit group, and these yellow post-it notes can be displayed when the patient is selected in Consultation Manager.

Search groups can be graphed within Clinical Audit and defined by age and sex.

Groups of identified patients via Clinical Audit are available for further group processing including mail merge in Patient Groups and Recalls. Any search group can be imported and exported, for example, to Excel.

Detailed audit criteria is available from the clinical audit help file.