Create a Reindex icon on your Desktop

If there is not a Reindex icon on your Windows Desktop, create one by following steps 1 –7 (you only need to do this the first time).

If there is already a Reindex icon on your Desktop, start at step 8.

  1. Right click on the windows desktop. Choose New - Shortcut.
  2. In the command line, type O:\INSTALL\DISTRIB\VISSUPP\Foxr.exe Reindex.spx (type a space between Foxr.exe and Reindex).
  3. Click NEXT.
  4. Select a name for the Shortcut - Change the name of the shortcut to VISION Reindex.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Now choose an icon from the displayed list of icons.
  7. Click on FINISH. The shortcut that has just been created displays on the desktop.
    • Right mouse click on the icon and select Properties.
    • Click on the Program tab and click on Close on exit (a tick or check should appear in the box next to it).
    • Select the Screen tab and then select Full screen.
    • Select Apply, the shortcut is now ready for use.