How to use Registration Validation

Within the Registration module of Vision 3, there is an extra menu option of Validation that will disappear once the practice has switched on Registration Links.

Before switching on Registration Links, Registration Validation needs to be carried out, with the following steps:

  1. First a system manager logs on to Vision 3, accessing Registration, then Validation. The menu options are:
    • Registration Validation Exception Report
    • Address Maintenance
    • Correct House name and road
    • Locality, Towns and County
  2. Using the report, correct each patient's details. Individual patient addresses can be corrected in Address Maintenance. There are also three global corrections if there is a consistent error in addresses, for example, if the county has been entered on a number of patients as WEST MIDS instead of WEST MIDLANDS.
  3. If correcting rural mileage details, or an NHS Number, these are amended within Registration, using Patient Edit.
  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as many times as is necessary until the Validation Report is error free.

When switching on Registration Links is imminent, there is a further process of Database Reconciliation. This involves downloading the practice information to the HA or HB, who validate and correct it, and upload it back to the practice. This is explained in the Registration Links User Guide.