Set Contacts

If there are communication detail discrepancies, the Set Contacts displays in red and you cannot select Update without reviewing this screen. Click on Set Contacts to display the Please select the contacts to select on PDS screen. From here you can use the radio buttons to select the correct option.

The screen shows all current telecommunication details which are mismatched under headings of each type. From here you need to select the detail which is correct and you want to be stored on Vision 3 and PDS (existing communication details are not labelled to show where they are stored – you simply need to select the correct one) or choose <none> to remove the item completely from PDS and Vision 3.

If you select the entry which is stored on Vision 3, then a PDS update is triggered. If you select the entry which is currently on the PDS, this is added to the Vision 3 database.

Valid period dates will now be included in updates to the PDS (only the valid from date will be included for addresses). If there is no valid from date entered, Vision 3 uses the system date as the business effective date, however this is not written back to Vision 3.

Please Note the Following:

  • Patients are also not synchronised with the PDS when they have been decoupled. However, such patients will not be synchronised with the PDS until they have been recoupled. This also means that you cannot partake in any Spine related activity for the patient.
  • Compared information is first stripped of any trailing punctuation and whitespace characters and any other whitespace is replaced with a single space character.
  • When a patient is selected and synchronised in Appointments, Mail Manager, Registration or Consultation Manager, the patient record becomes locked, this means that if during this time the patient is opened again, they are unlinked to the PDS for that session.

See also What Data is Synchronised with the PDS?