Mail Merge All QOF/QAIF Categories

QOF Merge All Invite Status

When running the Merge All category option within mail merge, the invite displays a date and status for each clinical category.

  1. From Vision+ Practice Reports, select QOF - All:

  2. Select Merge Patients and then select All:

  3. The patient’s details display and show the following:

    • QOF area
    • Invite status
    • Date invite performed

Vision+ Mail Merge Patient Count

The mail merge screen in Vision+ Reports displays a patient count for each list, including co-morbidity lists using the Merge All option, and a total of how many patients are selected.

Individual merge categories display a total for that category and the number of patients selected:

QOF Merge Fields

Mail merge letter invites can be filtered to only include the QOF/QAIF area you are inviting the patient in for. To do this:

Reminder – To merge QOF/QAIF areas the letter template must include QOF/QAIF category/indicator merge fields, see Creating a New Recall Letter Template.
  1. From Vision+ Practice Reports, select All:

  2. Select Merge Patients and then select All:

  3. Select Filter .

  4. The Logic Builder screen displays, select the QOF/QAIF category and required criteria and select OK:

  5. Select the patient(s) and the letter template:

  6. Select Mail .

  7. Choose the categories to be merged and select OK:

  8. Merge letters generate and display the category selected:

  9. Once you have printed the letters select Update to update the patients invite status.

QOF Patient Record

Like the above, selecting Filter in Vision+ Reports and choosing Mail allows you to select a category. Whatever category you select dictates what invite terms are recorded in the patient record:

Mail Merge Filter

Previously, after applying a filter using the All Merge categories you could only sort one column now you can sort multiple columns:

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.