Audit Report

The Audit Report allows searches to be run of audited or deleted records on any of the Vision patient entities, and prints out an audit report.

  1. The Audit Report screen can be accessed either from Modules or Management Tools on the Vision Front menu.

  2. Highlight the entity (data) you want to search from the following list. To highlight more than one at a time, hold the Control key down and click on each to highlight.

    Acute and Repeat Issue Therapy, Addresses, Clinical – All, Communication numbers, Consultations, Immunisations, Patient, Recalls, Referrals and Requests, Repeat Masters, Test results – All

  3. Optionally further limit the search to a particular patient's records. Double click in the Patient window under Audit Criteria for the usual Select Patient screen.
  4. Filter the search criteria further by date range, time, user and / or clinician, if required.
  5. Click on Run.
  6. The detailed Audit Report is shown as screen display. To print this out, click on Print.