Archiving Rejected ETP Messages

If Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions (ETP) is active and a prescription printed, but you have not logged into Vision 3 with your Smartcard, Vision 3 is unable to send the message. A rejected or withdrawn message is created, it may also display as having processing or transmission errors.

To archive ETP Rejected messages:

  1. From Mail Manager , select the message required.
  1. Right click on the message marked as Rejected:

  2. Select Archiving - Archive.

These ETP messages can be archived after they are 30 days old:

Direction Document Description Filing Status in Mail Manager Archive if older than 30 days


Electronic Prescription


30 days


Electronic Prescription

Processing Error

30 days


Electronic Prescription

Transmission Error

30 days

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.