Archiving AMS Messages

With the advent of ePharmacy (AMS), a large number of messages are generated (usually one for each prescription printed). Mail Manager allows you to archive older messages and to view current messages in a variety of ways.

Messages can be either:

  • Complete - Messages that have been through the full AMS message cycle successfully being sent from the practice via the message store to the pharmacy, an acknowledgement received is sent from the message store, the acknowledgement is processed through GPC in Vision 3 and matched up with the outgoing message is known as a Complete message. All Complete messages are archived automatically within a few minutes of completion, they can only be viewed from the Archive View, see Viewing Archives.
  • Incomplete- With a status of Transmission Error, these need to be manually archived at least once a week. Select Archive only the following message type - Electronic Prescription, see Archiving in Mail Manager for details.
Note - If you are viewing the details of a message when it gets archived, selecting a new tab results in the details being replaced by Message no longer valid for selected filter. You would need to enter Archive View to see it again, see Viewing Archives for details.