Address and Contact Numbers

  1. Select Add under the Main Address.
    • In Main Address, enter free text for House Name, Locality, Town County.
    • Use the Tab key to move from field to field (or Shift-Tab to move to a previous entry.
    • In Road, you can type the first letter of the road then click on and select from a picklist of roads already in Vision. If not there, type in free text.
    • The Town field must be filled.
  2. Postcode is up to 8 characters including the space following a valid postcode format.
  3. Click OK when you have entered the address which then enables Add ContactNumber.
  4. Select AddContact Number. There is a range of contact number types which you can enter: phone, email, mailbox, fax etc. First type in the contact number, then select the Type of Contact Number. Click OK.
  5. Click Close to return to the front Organisation Details screen.
  6. Click OK to save details. This completes adding the HA.