
  1. You must enter an organisation code for the hospital in Identifiers. Select the Identifiers tab.

  2. Select Add.
  3. At the Add - Identifier screen:
    • Reference Number - Select from Reference Code, NHS Trust Code, Non- NHS Provider Code, Mail Manager - Provider, Mail Manager - Related Provider, Mail Manager - Other. The Mail Manager options are entered if you are running Mail Manager to match the hospital identifier which will be on electronic pathology results.
    • Organisation - Disabled if you picked NHS Trust code in Reference Number, but enabled for you to select the hospital from the picklist.
    • Identifier Value - Enter a Reference number of the organisation code. For NHS Trusts, the 5 character code begins with R followed by A-9, then A-9, eg RC1. The final two digits are either blanks or zeros. This then links up with a patient's hospital number and can be entered on referral letters.
    • Select OK.