Change the list order of Selectable Action Status

You can change the order in which the Action Status are listed under Selectable.

  • Right click on an Action Status in the tree view and select either Move Up or Move Down.
  • Change the order of status codes under the Selectable group either by dragging items in the tree view or in the list view when the Selectable heading is selected. It is not possible to drag in the list view if the sort order is anything other than display order.
  • Restore a discontinued item by dragging it from Discontinued in either the tree view or list view. The drop position determines the display order. The item may be dropped to the appropriate place in the tree view or to the list view when Selectable is selected.
  • An item can be dropped onto the Initial Status heading or its sub-heading, eg Newly Actioned. If a sub-heading already exists, then the existing item is demoted to display order 1 in the Selectable group.
  • The Initial Status item may be dragged out of this section, leaving the section empty but an item must exist in Initial Status before a save can take place.