Default Registered GP

A default Registered GP can be saved in the Configuration screen. This means that any new Registrations default to this GP, however, this can be changed at the point of Registration. If the default is not set or the GP is subsequently made inactive, the field is blank and must be selected when registering a new patient.

Some GP's have patient's registered with more than one TP so you need to choose the PCT/HB/CSA before selecting the GP.

  1. From the Staff Configuration screen, click the Registration tab.
  2. Highlight the TP and click Update.

    Configuration - Default Registered GP

    Configuration - Default Registered GP

  3. Highlight the GP who you want to save as the Default and choose Set.

    Configuration - Default GP for HB selected

    Configuration - Default GP for HB selected

  4. Click Update and when prompted to save the changes click OK.
  5. Click Exit.