Adding a Welcome Message - Wales

The welcome message displays on the home page of the website following a successful login by your patients.

  1. From Control Panel, select File Maintenance - Online .
  2. The Vision Online Services screen displays.
  3. In the Global section click Configure .
  4. To add your message to the English verison of My Health Online, select English from the dropdown list.
  5. Type your message in the welcome message window using the formatting editor provided, see Using the Message Editor, or if you prefer, you can customise your welcome message source using HTML formatting tags, see Formatting HTML Messages.

    Online Global Configuration - Welcome Message

  6. To add your message to the Welsh verison of My Health Online, select Welsh from the dropdown list.
  7. Type your translated Welsh message into the Welcome Message window.

    You now have an English and Welsh version of the welcome message.

  8. Click OK to save.