Permanent patients

Permanent patients are patients who have been accepted on the practice's list and their registration has been approved by the HA.

Although the default option for non-Registration Links practices is Permanent, you may change this to Applied.

Applied-for-Registration is used as a pending status between registering the patient at the practice and the HA approval of the patient on the practice list. Once HA approval comes through, the Applied status can be changed to Permanent. This is done manually for practices who are not using Registration Links. Using Applied gives you the chance to check by searching that all new patients have been accepted on the HA list.

For Registration Links practices, Applied is the default registration status when adding a new patient, and while the Acceptance Transaction is transmitted to the HA (see Acceptance Transaction). When the HA Approval Transaction arrives (electronically), the status will automatically be updated from Applied to Permanent. Note that while waiting for HA approval, the patient’s Registration screen will be "frozen" and unable to be edited (see Frozen screen).

Permanent and applied patients are referred to as active patients.