Security (Control Panel)

Members of the practice are first entered as Staff on File Maintenance - Staff. To give them access as a user to the computer with a logon name, they then must be added in Security. After adding a staff member in File Maintenance, it automatically flows to Add User in Security.

A User is a staff member who uses the computer and has been given a login name and password in Security.

This screen can be divided into three panes:

  • Current Users - staff added in File Maintenance who are computer users: their login names and passwords, defaults, screensaver options
  • Groups of Users - users can be classed into groups: All users, system managers and clinical managers, and other user-definable groups. A group can have access rights to specific Vision functions.
  • Vision Functions - a list of modules and functions within Vision, eg Appointments, Consultation Manager, to which individual users or groups of users can have access rights.