Address Change - Change HA /Same GP - Registration Links

The patient has moved address, over the boundary to another TP/HB/CSA, but is staying with the same GP at the practice. You will find the Change TP button disabled on Registration - this is only for the use of non-Registration Links practices.

The scenario here differs depending on whether the "old" TP is linked or non-linked, and the "new" TP is linked or non-linked.

If the patient is permanent and the practice is Registration Links, and if the patient's address is moving from a linked TP to a linked or non-linked TP:

  1. Edit the patient's address on Address or Main Address.
  2. Click OK.

  3. On the free text GP Notes for the Amendment, indicate that you are willing to keep the patient on the your list, despite the change of TP; or conversely that you no longer want to keep this patient.

An Amendment Transaction will be generated to the patient's (previous) TP. If it is not possible for the GP to keep the patient, the HA will generate a Rejection (Out of Area (REF) Transaction).

Otherwise, the TP will make the necessary amendment to the patient record and respond with a Deduction Transaction from the current TP, and an Approval transaction for the new TP.

If the patient is not permanent, ie registered for maternity only, contraception only, minor surgery only, CHS only, private etc, follow the instructions in Address Change - Change HA/Same GP (Non-Registration Links).