Saving a Report as a File

To generate a report in ASCII format, you can save it as a File, for example you may want to export the data into third-party software for further processing.

To save a report as a File:

directly from the Reports screen, having selected the criteria and report you want, select Process:

  1. From the Reporting screen, in Output Type select File and the Select Output Filename screen displays:

  2. Complete as required:

    • In File name, enter a name for this file.
    • In Save as type, select the appropriate file type, this defaults to Text Files (*.txt).
    • Navigate to where you want to file saved using the file locations on the left, the default is C:\EXTRACT.
  3. Select Save and the expanded Reporting screen displays:

    Training Tip - Select File Options to return to the Select Output Filename screen.
  4. In Output Format, the default is Text Format (*.txt), but you can select the down arrow to display and select from available options.
  5. Select OK to start the report processing. You may be asked to confirm or amend the Output file name, and this is an opportunity to change the extension if required.
  6. When finished, select Exit from the Report Selection Criteria screen.

The report is now available from the selected location, for example, C:\Extract.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.