Quick Reference Guides

In preparation for this year’s flu campaign we have created the following Quick Reference Guides:

Identifying Patients

How to identify which patients require a flu vaccination using either Vision+ Reports or Clinical Audit Reports:

Engaging with Patients

Inviting your patients to the practice or an off-site flu clinic:

Note - For practices who are inviting patients to a multi practice vaccination hub we recommend you send a barcoded invite letter or use a barcoded flu clinic with SMS invites.

Delivering the Vaccine

Within your Practice

If you are running a flu clinic at your practice, use the following guides for adding immunisation data:

Off-site Flu Clinic

If you are running a flu clinic outside of your practice, using the barcoded invite solution, use the following guides for adding immunisation data:

  1. Data Entry Preparation for Off-site Clinic
  2. Creating Patient Groups
  3. Adding Immunisation Data

Updating Patient Records

Once the immunisation data is recorded we recommend you review the tear-off slips for any patient information that needs updating, see Updating Patient Records for details.