Adding Existing QOF/QAIF Indicators to the Template

You might find it more convenient to add existing QOF/QAIF alert indicators to your new template. This will help to ensure that you are recording information that is consistent with QOF/QAIF.

To add an existing QOF/QAIF indicator, use the following procedure:

  1. On the Home tab, select Add Contract Row from the Controls area of the toolbar.
  2. Select Contract from the new row.

  3. The Select Indicator screen displays allowing you to select an existing indicator from another clinical or administrative category.
  4. Use Expand or Collapse to browse through the categories.
  5. Select the indicator that you want to use on your template.
  6. Select OK. The existing indicator is now added to your template. The row name is automatically filled in with the standard QOF/QAIF name, but can be altered as necessary.
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