Add to Register

You can quickly add patients to a QOF/QAIF register using the Vision+ Add to Register option:

  1. Select a patient in Consultation Manager.

  2. From the Windows Notification Area, right click Vision+ and select Add to Register:

  3. Choose the required register from the menu:

  4. The Codeset Codes screen displays with QOF/QAIF compliant codes for the selected register:

  5. Select Apply. You can also select a priority and enter freetext notes.
    Note - Some QOF/QAIF categories require a drug to be present in addition to the diagnostic clinical terms for the patient to display on the register.
  6. When adding a patient to a register that also requires therapy recording to count for QOF/QAIF, a list of applicable therapy items displays below the clinical term list. You have the following choices:
    • If you want to add therapy – Tick the Apply box. If the drug is to be prescribed as an acute prescription select Acute, if this box is not selected the drug is recorded as a Repeat.

    • If you have already recorded relevant therapy in Consultation Manager – You can ignore this list.
  7. Relevant prescribing support displays, complete as required and select OK to save the data.
    Note - Patients who have an end date entered in history or problems in Consultation Manager are automatically removed from the Vision+ Register.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.