Recording a Sample Collection

If a test is requested and the sample taken at a later time, you must update the request to show the collection has taken place.

Training Tip - This method can also be used to edit a test request.

To update a request record:

  1. From Consultation Manager , with the patient selected, find the request.
    Training Tip - Select Medical History - Requests from the navigation pane to display all requests in a patient record.
  2. Right click on the request and select Edit.
  3. The Requests - Update screen displays, select Order .
  4. Select the provider and log in if necessary.
  5. Select Service defaults to Update Test, select OK.
  6. Your test request system displays, update the request as required, for example, record the sample has been collected and print the request and sample details.
  7. The Request - Update screen displays with the details of the sample collection in Details.
Note - Do not manually update Details it is maintained by Vision 3 and any manual changes may be lost.
  1. Update Date Specimen taken with the date of the collection.
  2. Select OK.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.