This option is either:

  • TP in England & Wales (Trading Partner, the electronic agency of the HA Health Authority in England and Wales, for Links purposes),
  • HB (Health Board in Scotland),
  • or CSA (Central Services Agency in Northern Ireland NI) is a mandatory entry on the Registration - Personal Details (initial) screen.

It appears on the front Registration - Personal Details (initial) screen for new patients where it can be selected by:

  • either clicking on the selection arrow to display the codes and click on your selection.
  • or typing in the known cipher, for example, EX for Essex.
  • Or typing the first letter of the cipher then use the down arrow until you reach the one you want to select.
  • Or, if you are adding a patient to an existing patient's household, the TP/HB/CSA defaults to the same entry.
  • If you have a default TP/HB/CSA set up in Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff Configuration screens, then this is the default setting for all registrations.

It is stored and can be viewed on the patient's Registration tab.

HA: In addition, on the Registration tab, there is an optional entry of HA for the Strategic Health Authority (for England & Wales). You may select a HA optionally, in order for this to be entered on the patient's record.

Changing the TP: For Registration Links practices, note that the TP cannot be changed for an existing active patient with a linked TP with a registration status of Applied or Permanent. Changing a patient's address out of one TP's area to another generates an Amendment Transaction to the existing TP who reply with an Deduction Transaction (see Registration Links Transactions). If the practice reject this, they are prompted to enter a new TP. This generates an acceptance transaction to the new TP who in turn send an Approval (or Rejection if wrong) Transaction.

See also Adding and Maintaining Patient Addresses

Previous Agency

The Previous Agency refers to the Health Authority the patient had before registering with the practice. It is entered on the Transfer-In screen when registering or re-registering the patient. See Add permanent patient with medical card - Transfer In.