Consent to Share Clinical Data - England

Patients can consent to share or not share their clinical data with other health care professionals. Consent to share can be recorded from the Consent tab in the patient’s registration screen:

  1. From Registration, select the patient.
  2. Select the Consent tab. The patient's consent to share clinical data is assumed.
  3. Select Change and then either Consent or Dissent to NHS Spine data sharing and select OK
    • The patient consents to share their detailed care record - If this is selected, the patient consents to other healthcare professionals accessing their records.
    • The patient does not consent to share their detailed care record - If this is selected, the patient does not want other healthcare professionals to access their care records.
      Note - For those with no SCR consent and who don't want to share, no data is available to be viewed. At present, if the patient dissents to share they are also dissenting from eReferrals.
  4. Select OK to save.
    Note - If the patient has a pending PDS update a Registration message displays. Cancel the update, reselect the patient and reprocess.
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