Deduction Request Transaction

In England and Wales only, you can generate a Deduction Request transaction for a patient registered with a linked HA (TP).

Previously, if a patient died or moved away, you had to wait for a Deduction Transaction from the HA, while in the meantime, the patient’s records remained on the practice database.

There are two possible scenarios for the Deduction Request Transaction:

  • To advise the TP that you want a patient deducted because you know they have left or died, ie for one of these Deduction reasons: Death of Patient, Patient Left Area, Patient Embarkation.
  • To ask the TP to deduct the patient as a result of a FP69 Notification transaction (see FP69 Prior Notification).

The Deduction date should always reflect the date of the reason, ie the date of death, or the date of embarkation or the date the patient left the area.

There is the opportunity to view all Deduction Requested transactions - in Registration - Action - Deduction Requested Patients. Each Deduction Requested transaction can be seen within Registration Links under the Daily Transaction file in Transaction Management.

There is a manual option to remove a Deduction Requested transaction.

If for some reason the TP do not agree with the practice’s Deduction Request transaction, they may reply with a Deduction Requested Rejected transaction. The reason will be displayed on view of the patient’s Deduction Request Rejection transaction screen. The GP can then authorise the received Deduction Request Rejection to be applied to the patient’s record.

Note that patients for whom there is a deduction request remain on the system as Permanent and will still be included in any recall or patient selection, until the Deduction transaction is received.