Set Contacts - England only

If there are communication detail discrepancies, Set Contacts displays in red and you cannot select Update without reviewing it:

To update contact details:

  1. From the PDS Mismatch screen, select Set Contacts.

  2. Review the mismatched communication details and select the correct communication details under each type or, to remove the item completely, select <None>.

  3. Select OK to save.

Note - Update is greyed out until you review the Please select the contacts to set on PDS screen.

If you select the Vision 3 entry, a PDS update is triggered. If you select the entry which is currently on the PDS, Vision 3 updates.

Valid period dates are included in updates to the PDS, only the Valid From date is included for addresses. If there is no valid from date entered, Vision 3 uses the system date as the business effective date.

See What Data Synchronises with the PDS? for further details.
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