Notes Tab

If this is not a new patient, select the Notes tab to display.

On this screen, you can enter Administrative Notes, Contact Notes (how to contact the patient) and Confidential Notes:

  • To enter Administrative or Contact Notes, select the required section and type in free text. You can either type on without a word wrap, or you can press Enter at a line end to move the text to the next line so that the message is confined to the width of the viewing box. To view the text, use the up/down side arrows, or bottom left/right arrows.
  • To enter Confidential Notes, select Notes , and then enter any text required. Notes displays with a red tick to indicate there is an entry.

If this is a new patient, select Next to continue, or select OK to save and close.

See New Patient Check List for further details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.