Transferring a Permanently Registered Patient

If a patient is permanently registered and is transferred between establishments with differing Health Boards (HB), the PR2 system sends a change of establishment message to the establishment releasing the patient. As this results in a change of address within Vision a registration links message is sent to the HB. The HB sends a Deduction to Registration Links. To process this:

  1. From Registration Links, select Close on the Daily Status Report.
  2. Select Transaction Management :

  3. Select In-coming Transactions and select Process.
  4. The In-coming Transactions displays.
  5. Select Change Criteria and in HB select your Health Board.
  6. Select OK, the list of In-coming Transactions now only contains items for your Health Board.
  7. Highlight the deduction you want to accept and select Process.
  8. The Incoming Deduction displays.
  9. Select Deduct to accept the deduction.
  10. You are prompted to confirm that you want to accept the deduction, select Yes to confirm.

Once confirmed, the patient is transferred out ready for you to re-register the patient and choose the new GP/HB for the new Establishment, see Registered GP’s and Health Boards.