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SCR PDS Synchronisation

If you choose to defer, a SCR PDS synchronisation is run automatically. The following criteria must be synchronised in order to update or send the patient's SCR:

NHS number

Gender +






Where a SCR PDS synchronisation has been successfully run, Identity Confirmed displays in the patient title bar in Consultation Manager. You are then able to access national services for SCR functionality.

Points to note:

  • If PDS and Vision 3 data have corresponding blanks for non-mandatory demographic information (ie other than the above), the PDS synchronisation is regarded as matched.
  • If the patient demographic data is not successfully SCR PDS synchronised, the patient is Unlinked. You can view their local and Spine summaries, but any changes to the local summary are NOT sent to the Spine.
    Note - A task is created for unlinked patients as they have an outstanding PDS mismatch. Updates to the summary cannot be sent or queued until the mismatch is resolved. See SCR - PDS Mismatches for Daybook and How to I manage SCR error message tasks? for Tasks for further details.