Personal Outcome Plan Questionnaire

A Personal Outcome Plan questionnaire has been designed for use by practices in Lothian, Scotland. It is a self-assessment document designed to set out key goals and measurements for a patient.

Training Tip - The Personal Outcome Plan Questionnaire can be used for patients requiring smoking cessation.

To access the questionnaire:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient and open a consultation if required.
  2. Go to the Vision+ icon and select Calculators - Lifestyle - Personal Outcome Plan.

  3. The Personal Outcome Plan questionnaire displays.

  4. Record the patient's goals, action plan and review dates.
  5. Select OK & Attach to save the clinical term 67V - Goal achievement finding in the patient's record as a History Entry. The questionnaire is also saved as an attachment in the patient's record.
    Note - Only clinical term 67V - Goal achievement finding is saved in the patient's record no other details including review dates are recorded. To view this information you need to open the questionnaire as an attachment, for more information on attachments, see Viewing Attachments (opens the Consultation Manager Help Centre).