Treatment and Advice Tab

The Treatment and Advice tab is used to record the following:

  • Locus of care - This area of the screen shows the locus of care or you can add this information by selecting the appropriate clinical term.
  • Patient informed of result - This displays when the patient was last informed of their result, or you can add it by choosing the appropriate clinical term.
  • Home visit by Healthcare professional - If the patient is attended by a healthcare professional it is shown in here, provided the clinical term of 9NFM - Home visit planned by HCP has been used. Alternatively, you can add this entry by selecting the clinical term from the Codeset icon.
  • Booklet/Warfarin Card Given - The Information section provides an area where details of whether a Warfarin booklet and/or card have been given to the patient, along with the date they were provided. The possible options are Yes, No, Declined or Unknown.
    Note - Booklet given and Warfarin card given are not recorded on the patient's record.
  • Prescriptions - The most recent prescription for Warfarin displays along with the date prescribed.