Linking Appointments

It is sometimes useful to link multiple appointments so your clinicians and administrative staff can see that any specific appointment is part of a group. Within Appointments you can link appointments, for example, a recurring appointment for ongoing dressing changes or blood pressure monitoring.

Note - This is only available if you access Appointments from your Desktop.

Appointments can be linked from:

Viewing a Set of Linked Appointments

Select Link Appointments to view all the appointments in the link:

The Patient linked appointments screen displays:

Patients with Multiple Sets of Linked Appointments

A patient may have two or more sets of linked appointments. In this case, in the Scheduled Appointments view, you can see the two sets of linked appointments are identified with a different number indicating those that are linked:

Unlinking Appointments

To unlink an appointment:

  1. From the patient's Scheduled Appointments view, select the appointment to unlink:

  2. Select Unlink appointments . The appointment is no longer linked to any other appointment.

Linked Appointments Warning

The Linked appointment warning displays on the toolbar:

  • - The Linked appointment warning is more prominent when an appointment is updated or cancelled.

    See Linked Appointments Warnings for more details.
  • - The Linked appointment warning is faded when there are no linked appointments warnings.

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.