Importing a Formulary

If you receive a formulary from another practice or Integrated Care Board (ICB)/Health Board, you can quickly and easily import it into Vision 3:

Note - You cannot import a formulary built using a more recent Drug Dictionary than you have installed.
  1. Save the formulary file to the p:\extract directory.
  2. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Utilities - Drug Dictionary .
  3. The Drug Dictionary Utilities screen displays, select File - Import Formulary.
  4. Browse to select the formulary file to be imported and then select Open:

  5. The 'The import may completely replace your current formulary items, or you may choose to add the imported items to your existing formulary. Please select option: Add or Replace.' message displays. Select:
    • Add - To add any items not already in your formulary.
    • Replace - To replace your entire formulary, deleting any existing entries.
  6. Select OK to proceed. A message confirms your selection and warns this may take some time.
    • If you select Add, the 'The new formulary items will be added to your existing formulary. This may take several minutes. Do you wish to proceed?' message displays.
    • If you select Replace, the 'Your existing formulary will be deleted and replaced with the new formulary items. This may take several minutes. Do you wish to proceed?' message displays.
  7. Select Yes to confirm and proceed. On completion the 'Updating of the formulary completed successfully' message displays.
  8. Select OK to finish.
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