Request a Deduction

  1. In Registration, select Action – Request Patient be Deducted (don't select a patient first).
  2. From the Select Patient screen displayed, choose the patient for the deduction request.
  3. The FP69 tab of this patient's Registration Details displays. Automatically selected is a Required action toTP (2) Request that patient is deducted from GP's list. Complete the two red fields:
  4. Deduction reason required: Select a Deduction reason from either Death, Embarkation or Left Area.
  5. Deduction Date - Enter a date which reflects the date of the event, not the deduction request date. If the transferred out reason is death, then you should manually enter a date of death, rather than the date of the record. Similarly, for Embarkation or Left Area, the date the patient moved away should be entered. If these dates are not known, an approximate date should be entered, and a free text explanation must be entered in the GP Notes field.
  6. GP Notes – Explain any approximate dates or other relevant information.
  7. Click OK.

See also: