Check incomplete Reg Links after adding new patient

  1. When a new patient has been added and any details required for Registration Links have been left out, Incomplete RegLinks is ticked at the top of the Registration screen and a message appears to confirm this. This means the new patient details cannot be transmitted to the Health Authority until the Registration Links details are complete.
  2. After the patient has been added and before OK has been clicked, select the Action menu from the menu bar.
  3. Select Acceptance. The registration screens will be displayed again, allowing you to check for any fields which are shown in red. These fields, coloured red, are mandatory entries for Registration Links.
  4. Add details as appropriate.
  5. If Incomplete Details is checked at the top of Registration, this indicates the NHS number is missing. Note that this is not mandatory at this stage, but should be completed if possible. If the NHS number is not known, the Health Authority should be able to complete it when the patient is accepted.

    Note - It is strongly recommended that you run the Incomplete Patient Records report from the Reports menu in Registration regularly to ensure that no patient registrations are missed.