Change the list order or Frequent/Additional group
  • This applies only to items in the Frequent Actions group. Right mouse click on an action under the Frequent Actions group and select Move Up, to move that action one up the display order. The number in the Display Order column is amended. Clicking on the Frequent Actions node now displays the actions in the new order.
  • Right click on an action under the Frequent Actions group and select MoveDown. Similar to above except moving the action one down the list, and only applies to actions from the Frequent Actions group.
  • Right mouse click on an action in either Additional and Discontinued Actions, and select Frequent, to move the action to display order 1 in Frequent Actions.
  • Change the order of items in the Frequent Actions group either by dragging items in the tree view or in the list view when the Frequent Actions heading is selected. It is not possible to drag in the list view if the sort order is anything other than display order.