Address Entry – Add screen

In general, the address can only include alpha-numeric characters, apostrophe ‘, hyphen - , fullstop . and comma . Each entry can be up to 30 characters, except the county which is 20 characters, and the postcode which is seven.

The road name box only accept the following valid characters: A to Z, a to z, full stop, quote, paren, parenthesis, hyphen.

The cursor will be at the beginning of House Name. Press the Tab key to move between fields, or click with the mouse.

  • House Name - This can be left blank and is optional, but should include any flat number or name of a property if there is one (eg Flat 1A, or Rose Cottage), up to 35 characters. Press Tab to move to Number.
  • Number and Road - This can include the property number and road/street name, eg 21 in Number and High Street in Road, up to 35 characters. Number and Road always appear on the same line of an address. If House Name is blank, Road must be entered. Otherwise, Road is an optional entry.

    For the Road Name, you can just type the first letter or two of the road, and then click on if present. If roads with these letters have previously been entered, this will list roads starting with this letter(s), from which you can select. This inserts the remainder of the address including the postcode.

In Scotland, where there is a second thoroughfare, it should be inserted in Number / Road after the first thoroughfare, putting a comma and a space between them. If there is not enough room, put the first thoroughfare (including the building number) in the House Name field where this is blank, and the second thoroughfare in the Number / Road Name field. Alternatively, if the House Name is not blank, the second thoroughfare should be put in the Locality field if this is blank. If not, leave the second thoroughfare out altogether.

  • Locality - This is an optional entry, up to 35 characters. Locality is the first village, town name or area, if one exists, if different to the property’s post town name.

    In Scotland, where there is a second locality, it should be entered after the first locality separated by a comma and a space. If there is insufficient space, leave the second locality out.

  • Town - The Town is a mandatory entry and you cannot exit without entering this. This should be the post town of the property, and must be entered, up to 35 characters.
  • County - This should be the county of the property but is an optional entry. The maximum is 35 characters. You may need to contact your HA to standardise the way the towns and counties or metropolis are entered in patient addresses. Otherwise the address will be rejected by the HA if there is electronic exchange of registration data with Registration Links.
  • Post Code - This is maximum eight characters and should be entered in one of the following formats (where A is a letter and N a number): AN NAA, ANN NAA, AAN NAA, AANNNAA, ANA NAA, or AANANAA.
  • Type of Address - If you entered the Address Entry - Add screen by clicking on Add Main Address Details, it is assumed that this is the Main Address.
  • A second address - Second addresses (business, previous address) are entered on the Address details tab (see Addresses and Contact Numbers). Options for Type of Address include: Previous registered address, Permanent registered address for Temporary Resident, Business, Other.
  • Address Valid Period - Optional dates for the likely period of residence.
  • Click on OK - Once the address has been entered, click on OK (unless you want to abandon the entry, and Cancel).

    Note - When registering a new patient or updating a patient's main address, you are warned after clicking OK, if the road name contains invalid characters.

You can then:

  • either enter Contact Numbers - any telephone or other numbers, fax, pager, etc - by clicking on Add Contact Number.
  • or click on Close to re-display the Registration - Personal Details screen.

    Note - if the address you enter for a "new" patient is the same as the address for an existing patient, you will be warned of this and given the chance to move the "new" patient in with the same family, if relevant. See Similar address warning.