Edit Registration Status

The registration status may need editing on the Registration - Registration Details screen. Rules for this depend on whether you are running Registration Links, and what the patient's current registration status is, and what they are being changed to.

Temporary Resident

  • A temporary resident patient is re-registering, changing from a short stay to a long stay (see Edit a Temporary Resident's length of stay). This applies to Registration and non-Registration Links practices.
  • A previous temporary resident patient is now re-registering as a permanent patient or as a temporary resident again (if their previous TR status has expired) (see Re-Registration). This applies to Registration and non-Registration Links practices.

Patient previously transferred out now re-registering

  • A patient was previously transferred out but is now re-registering with the practice (see Re-Registration). This applies to Registration and non-Registration Links practices.

Permanent patient is transferring out (non-Reg Links)

  • A permanent patient for a non-Registration Links practices is transferring out, moving away, has died, or embarked etc and the Change Status button is used (see Patients who die or remove out of practice area). This only applies to non-Registration Links practices.

Permanent patient is transferring out (Reg Links)

  • A permanent patient for a Registration Links practice is transferring out, moving away, has died etc. The practice either wait for a Deduction transaction from the TP, or make a Deduction Request Transaction to the TP (this only applies to Registration Links practices).

Patient is changing from non-permanent to transfer out (Reg Links)

  • A patient is changing from a non-permanent registration status (eg maternity services only) to being transferred out (see below). Note that if they were changing to another non-permanent status, such as minor ops, they would need to be re-registered. This applies to Registration and non-Registration Links practices. See Edit Registration status of non-permanent patients (Reg. Links practices).